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Breast augmentation: how to become beautiful?Girls and women tend to worry about their appearance. A particular attention is paid to the breast, in fact it is a symbol of a female sexuality and attractiveness. Many women are dissatisfied with the part of their breast and are concerned about how to make a boob job.

Someone decides to make rasvaimu if it he or she is not satisfied with the figure. Today there are so many ways to be beautiful and to be in a good shape.

The operation - a serious surgery, and a decision on its needs to be balanced and considered. But despite this, rintojen suurennus is one of the most popular plastic surgery in the world. It is not surprising, because with the help of the breast implants (so this operation is called in medical language), you can get rid of your own systems and gain confidence in yourself and sexuality.

It is important to choose the right center of the plastic surgery, having a good reputation. Fortunately, today there are many clinics in every major city and experienced specialists work in them. The initial consultation will allow you together with the surgeon to discuss all the nuances of the breast augmentation surgery - the choice of anesthesia, the shape and the size of the implant to the localization of the cut. Details of the recovery after surgery should be discussed.

Causes of the making a boob job:

  1. When you have small mammary glands;
  2. There is a breast asymmetry (i.e, differences in shape, size and position of the right and left breast);
  3. When you need a breast reconstruction after surgery;
  4. There is an expressed omission of the breast (after lactation or with the age) - in this case, at the same time with making a boob job lifting can also be carried.

Breast augmentation: the main stages of operation

  • The preparatory period - a consultation of a mammalogy, a breast ultrasound, if you need - a mammogram, the standard blood and urine tests, the advice of a plastic surgeon, an anesthetist (before surgery). It is recommended to give up drinking alcohol, smoking for 10-15 days prior to surgery;
  • Before the preparation of the breast augmentation a general anesthesia is made, providing a complete lack of the discomfort to the patient;
  • Select one of the acceptable type of operation: submammary (in the crease under the breast), axillary (in the armpit), periareolar or transareolyarny (incisions are made near the areola);
  • Breast augmentation is performed by setting an implant into the breast to ensure a perfect appearance, firmness and elasticity. Most often it is a silicone implant that creates a sense of naturalness, that does not cause allergy and rejection.
  • Breast augmentation is completed with putting bioresorbable sutures.

If you are happy with a new breast vatsan muotoilu can be done in our clinic.


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